At Mastermind Tutoring Center
We strongly believe that children are the future of tomorrow, thus they should be guided and shaped using the best educational resources and techniques.
At Mastermind Tutoring Center we make it a priority to ensure that your child becomes confident and successful educationally and mentally.
Experienced teacher
Proven success
Expert Learning Solutions
Affordable Fees
Great learning Environment
Adequate educational resources
Updated Curriculum
New Extra course on Programming

At mastermind tutoring center, we offer prompt, useful, concise as well as simplified educational assistance that
focuses on the student's specific needs.
Our environment is highly conducive for learning, free from distraction, peer influence, and phobia of failure, and also fosters reading culture
01 JUN
Opening , admission of New applicants for summer tutoring program.
Note: All Grade 1 to 12 students are advised to follow all government rules for pre and post Covid.
MAY 30, 2021
Quarantine of all equipment's and student classroom.
Updating and reviewing teaching techniques in preparation for opening.
Tutor and Parents vital meeting.
Discount & Offers
Parents who have more than two kids enrolled would be given a 30% discount.
3471 Kingston Road 2nd Floor, Unit 1
Scarborough, ON
28 AUG
SUMMIT Conference
Actively working on training our Teachers on how to best handle
students with learning disabilities.
July 01, 2021
Canada Day holiday. No classes and appointment.
05 FEB
Testing and implementing eLearning tools for distance learning
July 12
Introduction of programming and financial literacy course for students who are interested

Dec 23 – Jan 3
Christmas break
For gifts and donation to support and develop child education kindly click the link below
“Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.” – Solomon Ortiz
“Intelligence plus character– that is the goal of true education.”- Martin Luther King Jr.
New teaching resources and materials have been added to our library to improve students knowledge.